Category: SBN Updates

  • Savage Worlds Google+ Community

    Savage Worlds Google+ Community

    Last week, Google+ rolled out its new Communities feature which allowed users to create or join communities based around topics of interest. Of course, the Savage Bloggers Network jumped at this opportunity to facilitate engagement among Savage Worlds fans who use Google+ by creating a Savage Worlds Google+ Community. This Google+ Community is publicly available […]

  • A Tweak to the SBN Feed

    I recently made a tweak to the SBN feed to limit the content being published to it. While I implemented this on the site via Feedburner’s BuzzBoost feature, the actual feed was publishing full content. That was an oversight and never my intention, so I’ve made changes accordingly using Feedburner’s Summary Burner which now only […]

  • Updates to the SBN Site

    When I first created the Savage Bloggers Network (SBN), I used Blogger as the platform for hosting the site. Google Reader and Feedburner are the actual delivery methods. I was able to embed a snippet of the Feedburner feed in a single post that stayed permanently on the home page with any RSS links pointing […]